Monday, October 7, 2013


Hi Blog World, 

A little about me, I have dabbled into blogging-- here and and there but always managed to buckle with the pressure. With this go around, I will try to open up a bit more because I'd like to read about my thoughts, bits and bobs years from now and laugh over a glass or two of Moscatel wine.

So in no particular order here is me...

I appreciate a good glass of sweet white wine, I am African (Nigerian) by birth and married to handsome dude from New York (No Kids). My husband and I, are pretty similar and do exactly same thing professionally. I am numbers person.

I love to travel overseas mainly Europe. 
I love a good DIY and enjoy building things myself. I recently purchased my first home and plan to buy more properties in the future--so cheers to fixing up and fixer uppers. 

I pretty down to earth and love dance music.
I don't take myself serious and appreciate substance over form (so grammar Nazis...Sorry)
I appreciate West African music and occasionally break out the tunes in living room.

Over 89% of my wears are from J Crew, I occasionally hop into Club Monaco/Banana Republic/Ted Baker. I appreciate tailored outfits and enjoy a good bargain.
Fall/Autumn is my favourite time of year.

I am a horrible singer and cannot carry a tune to save my life. My favourite country in the world to visit is Canada-- not sure why but I think it is because it is close to home yet far too.
I love Dairy Queen and only eat cereal with yogurt (no milk or sugar)
I hate debt and plan to pay of my 30 year mortgage in 5 years or less. More on that later.

As a third world baby, I can eat rice every day if I had no other options.
I wear glasses and been thinking about lasik
I speak with my husband with my eyes... (the man knows me)
I am always cold and I cannot swim
If you ask me where I am from, my answer will depend on who is asking...
I love to laugh until I can't catch my breath
Personality wise -- I am an INTJ (very few women fall into this group like .03% or something)

My hubby is my BEST FRIEND.

This is me and what I look like.... Besos.


  1. Great introduction! Looking forward to reading more!

  2. Yay!!! Welcome welcome! Looking forward to reading more about you. I love DIY projects as I am sure you may have guessed :-)
