Thursday, October 10, 2013

Oh dear, When it rains....

Oh dear, When it rains it pours.....

So I have been looking to advance within my profession rather than settling in a comfortable gig, so I applied for a number of jobs on myself and a couple through a recruiter. Went in for a couple of interviews for one that I really wanted and impatiently waited for them to respond. Today, I finally got the answer... Yeah, the answer that I did not want to get.

"Nope sorry -- we are going with someone else".

I promptly hung up and dialed tell him.

I felt (and still feel) deflated and low.

Gosh, it would have been a good fit and close to the house and everything. I rationalized myself into thinking this was the dream gig and no...crickets.To tell you the truth, I was not sure even if I wanted it tho...
I feel sad and pissed for all the work I did do to prep myself....sigh its nothing alcohol will not fix.

As hubby says...keep calm carry on and on to the next one. Not going to lie. I do feel sad....but hey am alive and still have options.

In other news, I went in for another interview today and I like the company. I was hoping to have options to chose between the two jobs, oh well.

Deep down, I hope that God turns the tide for me and give me this last opportunity, so I will not have to settle, but get something that I am really interested in.

....Prayers sent.