Thursday, October 10, 2013

I love my crib

Aside from marriage and finding hubs, this was the biggest thing I ever did..
Some background---- Hubs and I met in college. It was the second time around for both of us because we did not dig out first majors--- Finance (story for another time). We dated, moved in together, dated some more, got engaged and got married and started out our brand stinking careers in the same field.  

We were broke, miserable and eagle eyed...boy... did we sip the Kool-Aid. 
We opted to go into public accounting at Deloitte and Touche... (hahaha working weekends and 15 hour days--- another story for another day). 

Any ways, on our days off or when we not super busy with our miserable jobs, we would flip the channels and settle in with some HGTV mess (plus glasses of cheap wine)...watching some 20 something year couples buy 800K houses.... and feeling like would take ages for us to do the same--- not because we could not afford too ...but because we were CHEAP folks and enjoyed being I'd rather give folks back home than use the money that to buy a 4000 sq feet home for two people. 

Truth be told, I don't understand when people buy homes larger than 4000 sq feet. Guess it is my minimalist upbringing in Europe and Africa...I just don't get it. For me, I would have to have my entire family...(on both side) living with us to make it work for me...JK  

Moving on, to torture ourselves we would go around Open Houses and pose that we had money...checking out homes that we CLEARLY had not busy looking at...heck we can dream right. One day, we were doctors relocating and then the next we looking for a vacation home...sigh.SMH

Fast forward through the recession, we must have looked at 500 homes online and with our Realtor (poor man worked for his money), we found a house...and it was something that both hubs and I agreed on-- Who would have THUNK IT...but we did... { HAPPY DANCE}}}}

For hubs-- he needed to find a home in affluent area, close to work, great schools, small subdivision, mixed people/culture, close to work and low crib, away from public transit, basement, huge yard, privacy was major

For me-- Brick House (traditional style home..I hate craftsman style plus every home I ever lived prior to this was a brick home...), a home that was built in the 2000s before the building boom/burst (2000- 2006), hardwoods, space, open floor plan, huge kitchen, lots of room to fuss about.... and WINDOWS...

Without further ado, check out the pics of la crib... I still love it after 1.6 month ish....

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