Sunday, October 13, 2013

Laptops Every 4 years...

So every 4 years, our PC tends to act up and give us the last leg the blue screen of death, weird Atari-like sounds, overheating problems etc. So we began to scrolling online stores and researching computers within our self created parameters. 

I knew I wanted to get an HP computer simply because of history and familiarity. Every printer, scanner, mouse and keyboard, I own are part of the HP family, so I figured I would keep things simple. The other important feature I wanted was to make sure that we had a larger screen (17 inches) to deal with because Hubs and I are near and far sighted respectively and we prefer not to fuss with a small screen monitors (and we prefer to watch movies and skype on a big screen)

So on Saturday, we visited Best Buy/Walmart/Costco/Office Depot and a couple more, I forget their names. We did learn a lot and I will like to share.

First, my first PC was from Circuit City in 2000 and I paid about 1500 for an HP computer with 13 inch screen. The computer lasted about 3 year before thing took a turn for the worst. The next couple of PC since then have all lasted about 3-4 years each. The funny thing is that the prices since then have come down dramatically each time I bought a new PC. 

Secondly, with each PC purchase, I have noticed that the sizes of PC are getting small. I will attribute this to how folks are using smart TVs to watch TV online/Skype and fact that market for tablets is still relative strong. During my search, I noticed just a few 17.3 laptops compared to the 13 inches PCs

We made a list of what is important to us and basically went with that. We are not techy people but use PC everyday.  
1. We wanted a large laptop -- 17.3 inches
2. We wanted stay under 500 bucks -- we us expect the PC to die in about 4 years--so we would avg about $100+ a year.
3. I needed to get a PC at least 5 GB
4. Built-in HD web cam and microphone let you keep in touch with others via video and voice messaging.  
5. Integrated numeric keypad speeds data entry and calculations. 
6. Provides up to 4 hours of battery life on a single charge. 

Things that were not to important to us included that following
1. Any programs or specs with Graphics/Music/Photography  Emphasis
2. Speed
3. Warranties

So in the end, wewent with a Gateway 17-3 black laptop with 6GB for $349 from Office Depot and we love it for now...


Thursday, October 10, 2013

I love my crib

Aside from marriage and finding hubs, this was the biggest thing I ever did..
Some background---- Hubs and I met in college. It was the second time around for both of us because we did not dig out first majors--- Finance (story for another time). We dated, moved in together, dated some more, got engaged and got married and started out our brand stinking careers in the same field.  

We were broke, miserable and eagle eyed...boy... did we sip the Kool-Aid. 
We opted to go into public accounting at Deloitte and Touche... (hahaha working weekends and 15 hour days--- another story for another day). 

Any ways, on our days off or when we not super busy with our miserable jobs, we would flip the channels and settle in with some HGTV mess (plus glasses of cheap wine)...watching some 20 something year couples buy 800K houses.... and feeling like would take ages for us to do the same--- not because we could not afford too ...but because we were CHEAP folks and enjoyed being I'd rather give folks back home than use the money that to buy a 4000 sq feet home for two people. 

Truth be told, I don't understand when people buy homes larger than 4000 sq feet. Guess it is my minimalist upbringing in Europe and Africa...I just don't get it. For me, I would have to have my entire family...(on both side) living with us to make it work for me...JK  

Moving on, to torture ourselves we would go around Open Houses and pose that we had money...checking out homes that we CLEARLY had not busy looking at...heck we can dream right. One day, we were doctors relocating and then the next we looking for a vacation home...sigh.SMH

Fast forward through the recession, we must have looked at 500 homes online and with our Realtor (poor man worked for his money), we found a house...and it was something that both hubs and I agreed on-- Who would have THUNK IT...but we did... { HAPPY DANCE}}}}

For hubs-- he needed to find a home in affluent area, close to work, great schools, small subdivision, mixed people/culture, close to work and low crib, away from public transit, basement, huge yard, privacy was major

For me-- Brick House (traditional style home..I hate craftsman style plus every home I ever lived prior to this was a brick home...), a home that was built in the 2000s before the building boom/burst (2000- 2006), hardwoods, space, open floor plan, huge kitchen, lots of room to fuss about.... and WINDOWS...

Without further ado, check out the pics of la crib... I still love it after 1.6 month ish....

Oh dear, When it rains....

Oh dear, When it rains it pours.....

So I have been looking to advance within my profession rather than settling in a comfortable gig, so I applied for a number of jobs on myself and a couple through a recruiter. Went in for a couple of interviews for one that I really wanted and impatiently waited for them to respond. Today, I finally got the answer... Yeah, the answer that I did not want to get.

"Nope sorry -- we are going with someone else".

I promptly hung up and dialed tell him.

I felt (and still feel) deflated and low.

Gosh, it would have been a good fit and close to the house and everything. I rationalized myself into thinking this was the dream gig and no...crickets.To tell you the truth, I was not sure even if I wanted it tho...
I feel sad and pissed for all the work I did do to prep myself....sigh its nothing alcohol will not fix.

As hubby says...keep calm carry on and on to the next one. Not going to lie. I do feel sad....but hey am alive and still have options.

In other news, I went in for another interview today and I like the company. I was hoping to have options to chose between the two jobs, oh well.

Deep down, I hope that God turns the tide for me and give me this last opportunity, so I will not have to settle, but get something that I am really interested in.

....Prayers sent.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Hi Blog World, 

A little about me, I have dabbled into blogging-- here and and there but always managed to buckle with the pressure. With this go around, I will try to open up a bit more because I'd like to read about my thoughts, bits and bobs years from now and laugh over a glass or two of Moscatel wine.

So in no particular order here is me...

I appreciate a good glass of sweet white wine, I am African (Nigerian) by birth and married to handsome dude from New York (No Kids). My husband and I, are pretty similar and do exactly same thing professionally. I am numbers person.

I love to travel overseas mainly Europe. 
I love a good DIY and enjoy building things myself. I recently purchased my first home and plan to buy more properties in the future--so cheers to fixing up and fixer uppers. 

I pretty down to earth and love dance music.
I don't take myself serious and appreciate substance over form (so grammar Nazis...Sorry)
I appreciate West African music and occasionally break out the tunes in living room.

Over 89% of my wears are from J Crew, I occasionally hop into Club Monaco/Banana Republic/Ted Baker. I appreciate tailored outfits and enjoy a good bargain.
Fall/Autumn is my favourite time of year.

I am a horrible singer and cannot carry a tune to save my life. My favourite country in the world to visit is Canada-- not sure why but I think it is because it is close to home yet far too.
I love Dairy Queen and only eat cereal with yogurt (no milk or sugar)
I hate debt and plan to pay of my 30 year mortgage in 5 years or less. More on that later.

As a third world baby, I can eat rice every day if I had no other options.
I wear glasses and been thinking about lasik
I speak with my husband with my eyes... (the man knows me)
I am always cold and I cannot swim
If you ask me where I am from, my answer will depend on who is asking...
I love to laugh until I can't catch my breath
Personality wise -- I am an INTJ (very few women fall into this group like .03% or something)

My hubby is my BEST FRIEND.

This is me and what I look like.... Besos.